Internal rules

The internal rules of Tondiraba Ice Hall (hereinafter referred to as Ice Hall) are mandatory for all users and visitors of the Ice Hall.


1.1. The Ice Hall is open on weekdays, weekends and public holidays at times established by the Ice Hall. Opening hours are shown on the website of the Ice Hall
1.2. Access to the locker rooms is granted by an entry card issued by the administrator. The entry card gives the client the right to use the locker room in accordance with the internal rules and for up to 45 minutes after the end time of the practice shown in the schedule.
1.3. Keep the entry card, locker key, and coat hook number safe and return them upon leaving. The fine for losing or damaging them is €20.
1.4. Ticket sale and entrance to the Ice Hall stops one (1) hour before the Ice Hall closes.
1.5. If the internal rules are violated, the security service of the Ice Hall has the right to check the person and their belongings.
1.6. The Ice Hall has video surveillance.
1.7. The Ice Hall is not be liable for visitors’ personal belongings left in lockers or locker rooms. All valuables can be stored near the information desk in lockers designated for that purpose and pursuant to the price list.
1.8. The Ice Hall does not store the personal belongings of its clients on the premises of the hall for longer than one (1) calendar month. At the end of the storage period, the Ice Hall has the right to dispose of the items left behind by the client.
1.9. The Ice Hall has the right to unilaterally amend the price list, internal rules, terms and conditions of services, and opening hours.
1.10. Upon the first violation of the internal rules, the Ice Hall has the right to give the offender a verbal warning. The Ice Hall reserves the right to prohibit offenders that have repeatedly violated the internal rules from entering the Ice Hall.
1.11. The fine for damaging or breaking the rooms or equipment of the Ice Hall is up to €1,000. In case of larger items, the fine is up to the acquisition cost.
1.12. The inventory of the Ice Hall may not be taken outside of the premises without the written approval of the management board. Fine: up to 1,000 euros.
1.13. Filming on the premises of the Ice Hall is permitted only with the approval from the management board of the Ice Hall (excl. videos related to the training process).
1.14. The Wi-Fi network of the Ice Hall (free-to-air for the visitors of the Ice Hall) is for non-commercial use only. It is strictly forbidden to use the free-to-air Wi-Fi network for transmitting video, broadcasting television, or transmitting other audio-visual media. Wired connection with the computer network of the Ice Hall is also forbidden. Fine up to €1,000.


2.1. Adhere to the internal rules and fire safety regulations of the Ice Hall, and also to the signs and personnel of the Ice Hall, including instructions from the security staff.
2.2. Purchase a ticket before going on the ice (in the hall). Employees of the Ice Hall may impose fines on customers (incl. coaches) without a ticket.
2.3. Keep the purchased ticket/season ticket until the end of skating.
2.4. Stay vigilant about their personal belongings (opportunity to use special lockers).
2.5. Maintain cleanliness.
2.6. Wear training clothes that are suitable for the relevant sport.
2.7. Handle the property of the Ice Hall and third parties prudently. Clients of the Ice Hall are obliged to compensate the full amount of damage incurred to the Ice Hall and/or a third party. If a possible theft is discovered, the contract with the member of Ice Hall will be terminated immediately.
2.8. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited in the Ice Hall; attending practices under the influence of said substances is also prohibited.


3.1. Smoke
3.2. Bring along and consume alcoholic beverages
3.3. Be inebriated
3.4. Bring items that may endanger the health and safety of the people visiting the fitness centre (any weapons, dangerous items or substances, pyrotechnic equipment, etc.)
3.5. Trade various products and services
3.6. Bring pets
3.7. Be in the Ice Hall after closing
3.8. Ride or store bicycles, skateboards, roller-skates and scooters on the premises of the Ice Hall.
3.9. Playing any kind of ball sports is forbidden in the Tondiraba Ice Hall building. It is also forbidden to play and practice with pucks and balls using hockey sticks on the ground floor, including in the lobby and in the corridors of the locker rooms. The practice hall and practice areas near the towers C and D on the first floor are designed for this purpose; all activities must be performed under the supervision of a coach.


4.1. People who violate the internal rules of the Ice Hall.
4.2. People who vandalise.
4.3. People who attempt to go on the ice without paying.


5.1.            The price list of the services of the Ice Hall is set by the Tallinn Sports and Youth Department.
5.2.            Paying with a bank transfer takes place pursuant to an invoice issued by the accounting department; cash is paid in advance.
5.3.            To use the services of the Ice Hall (free ice, free hockey), individual users pay the administrator using a bankcard or cash. It is also possible to make a bank transfer to the Ice Hall’s account pursuant to the issued invoice.
5.4.            Debtors are not allowed to use any services. The Ice Hall has the right to suspend contracts with clients in the case of arrears.


6.1.            The visitor purchases the ice skate rental ticket from the administrator (see the price list).
6.2.            Ice skates must be used carefully, i.e. please untie the laces properly when removing ice skates to make it easier for the skate to come off.
6.3.            Walking with ice skates on is only allowed on special rubber mats.
6.4.            It is forbidden to leave the premises of the Ice Hall with the ice skates.
6.5.            If the ice skates are lost or damaged, the visitor is obligated to compensate the skates in accordance with their acquisition cost.


7.1.            By purchasing the ticket/season ticket, people who are going on the ice confirm that they have the physical abilities, skills and health status necessary for skating. Parents/companions are responsible for the health status of their children.
7.2.            CD player with music can be borrowed for practices from the administrator by the coach, teacher, instructor, or person responsible for the training group, who is responsible for returning the CD player and the careful use thereof.
7.3.            Do not disturb or endanger other skaters.
7.4.            Leave the ice before it is resurfaced. Skaters can return to the ice after the resurfacing is complete and the ice resurfacer has left the ice.
7.5.            Notify the personnel of the Ice Hall of any accidents.


8.1.            Go on the ice without a ticket.
8.2.            Go on the ice without skates.
8.3.            Damage the equipment of the Ice Hall.
8.4.            Throw pieces of ice, snowballs, gravel, etc.
8.5.            Damage the ice intentionally.
8.6.            Play hockey on free ice. There are specific times for playing hockey.
8.7.            Go on the ice during resurfacing.
8.8.            Skate on curling sheets.
8.9.            Eat and drink any beverages on ice (applies to both skating and curling).
8.10.        Be in places not intended for visitors.
8.11.        Disturb public order.


9.1.            A fee must be paid to the administrator pursuant to the price list in order to use lockable lockers to store personal belongings.
9.2.            Using locker rooms and showers is chargeable and is included in the price of using the services.
9.3.            The Ice Hall has the right to remove personal belongings left in the locker rooms, lockers and shower room after closing. The Ice Hall keeps the collected items for one (1) calendar month.
9.4.            Leaving training equipment and personal belongings in the locker outside the opening hours of the Ice Hall is not permitted, unless a separate agreement has been reached with the Ice Hall. The Ice Hall is not responsible for the loss or damage of the personal belongings of its clients.
9.5.            Sharpening of skates is allowed in the locker room only upon agreement with the management board of the Ice Hall.
9.6.            It is forbidden to shave, dye hair, and do any other body treatments with honey and salts in the shower rooms, sauna, and locker rooms.
9.7.            A separate ticket must be purchased to use the sauna (60 min).
9.8.            Using the sauna without permission leads to a €250 fine.
9.9.            Sitting pad or towel must be used on the sauna bench.
9.10.        Only hot water must be poured on the sauna heater. It is prohibited to pour cold water and other liquids on the heater.
9.11.        For fire safety, using bath brooms is forbidden in the sauna with an electric heater.
9.12.        Smoking and making fire in the locker and shower rooms is strictly forbidden. Fine up to €1000.
9.13.        Locker rooms must be vacated within 45 minutes after the last skating of the day.


10.1.        In order to organise events, the organiser and the Ice Hall enter into a bilateral written agreement for the use of the premises, time, and the method of payment.
10.2.        If more than 50 entry cards are needed, the event organiser has to buy the entry cards for €5 each.
10.3.        The competition and event organiser is responsible for the order and medical service during the event; the organiser compensates any property damage incurred due to their fault.
10.4.        The arenas can be used by training groups, hobby groups, and individual persons at pre-booked times.
10.5.        Training groups are obligated to adhere to the training times provided for in the arena schedules.
10.6.        Training groups of children are permitted in the arenas only if accompanied by a coach, teacher, or instructor (adult). Practice runs in the arena for children under 14 years of age are not allowed without supervision. For safety reasons, the use of the gymnastics area of the practice hall on the first floor is permitted only in the presence of a coach. It is forbidden to leave children unattended!
10.7.        The coach, teacher, instructor, or person responsible for the training group must arrive first and leave last, making sure that all participants have left and the used equipment is returned to its place.
10.8.        Equipment necessary for practice can be rented from the Ice Hall by the coach, teacher, instructor, or person responsible for the training group, who is responsible for returning the equipment and its careful use. The equipment is issued against a signature. The issued equipment is received only by the personnel of the Ice Hall.
10.9.        The user is fully liable for the equipment; the user is proprietarily liable if they break the equipment.
10.10.    All sectors in the main arena must be put in order at the end of the practice session.
10.11.    Visitors are permitted to enter the arenas only in clean footwear.
10.12.    Gathering by the skating rink is only allowed 10 minutes before the start of training. Staying by the rink for another group’s training is not permitted.


11.1.        The internal rules of the Ice Hall (Internal rules of Tondiraba Ice Hall for visitors) must be perused in advance.
11.2.        Adhere to the instructions of the instructor. Danger of slipping on ice.
11.3.        Skating and running is prohibited on curling sheets.
11.4.        Going on ice in dirty (muddy, sandy, etc.) footwear or footwear that may damage ice in some other way is prohibited. Eating and drinking on the ice is prohibited.
11.5.        Using a slider (slippery sole) is permitted only with the instructor’s instructions and only when sliding a stone. The slider must be removed when moving and sweeping on the lane. It is not recommended to use a slider when first getting to know curling.
11.6.        Curling equipment must be handled carefully. Curling stones must not be slid against the hack or the border – the stone must be stopped with a broom. Incurred damage must be compensated.
11.7.        Curling is always played in one direction, and stones must not be slid against the direction of playing.
11.8.        The players are liable for any potential injuries they may suffer.
11.9.        Skating on curling sheets is prohibited.

12. GYM

12.1.        The gym can be used by members of sports clubs and training groups, and individual persons (by paying for it in advance pursuant to the current price list).
12.2.        Clean sportswear and indoor shoes must be worn when working out in the gym.
12.3.        After a workout, make sure to return all gym equipment to their designated place.
12.4.        Indoor shoes are mandatory.
12.5.        Use a workout towel or a paper towel to wipe sweat off your body or gym equipment.
12.6.        Children over 14 years of age are permitted in the gym without a parent or training group coach. Children must not be left unattended!
12.7.        Visitors must purchase a ticket before entering the hall. Employees of the Ice Hall may impose fines on customers (incl. coaches) without a ticket.


13.1.        In order to move between different areas of the Ice Hall, including for entering and exiting, you need an access card (hereinafter ‘the Card’) to open doors.
13.2.        The visitor is liable for maintaining and properly using the Card given to them. If the Card is lost or stolen, the visitor must immediately inform the Ice Hall by writing to If the visitor does not immediately inform of the loss of the Card, they will be liable for every movement and damage caused by a third party.
13.3.        Applying for and the conditions of the Card:
13.3.1.  The visitor must submit a written application to the Ice Hall in order to receive the Card.
13.3.2.  The Card costs €5.
13.3.3.  The Card will be programmed to have necessary access and movement rights.
13.3.4.  Only the person who is programmed as the user of the Card has the right to use it, and it is forbidden to give the card to third parties.
13.3.5.  After entering through the door with the Card, you must check that the door is locked right after – it is strictly forbidden to leave the door unlocked.
13.3.6.  Unauthorised adjusting, disabling or any kind of action that hinders or damages the function of the door closer is forbidden.
13.3.7.  Every person entering or exiting through a door must use the Card wherever it is required.
13.3.8.  At the expiration of the visitor’s contract, the visitor must inform the Ice Hall of it in writing during 1 (one) business day and has to return the Card to an employee.
13.3.9.  It is forbidden for the card user to enter the Ice Hall (meaning the area not designated for the Ice Hall visitors) with third parties or to let them enter it.


Tondiraba Icehall is situated in Lasnamäe:
Varraku 14, 13917 Tallinn
Harju County, Estonia

+372 602 3200

Transport and parkingContact