Minimum security requirements of Tondiraba Sports Centre

Minimum security requirements of Tondiraba Sports Centre for the organiser.


1.1. The Lessee has the right to organise the Event on the Lease Object only in case the security service has been ordered by the Lessee in the amount fixed in this annex and no later than fourteen (14) days before the beginning of the Lease Period.

1.2. Tondiraba Sports Centre prefers the following security companies due to long-term experience and cooperation: USS Security Eesti AS ( ), Meeskond Security OÜ ( The organiser can choose the company approved by the Estonian Security Association as the provider of security service for the event. 

1.3. The Lessee is obliged to communicate to Tondiraba Sports Centre (the Lessor) a copy of the price inquiry of security service sent to approved service providers.

1.4. Any amendments made after signing this Annex shall be subject to prior written approval by three parties (i.e. the lessor, the Lessee and provider of security service). This shall be guaranteed by the Lessee. Annex to the Contract only indicates the number of security staff required for covering the audience area.

1.5. The security risk and the additional number of security staff required shall be determined by the security company providing security service as agreed with the Lessor ( representative of Tondiraba Sports Centre).

1.6. The Lessee shall prepare a security plan and forward it to Tondiraba Sports Centre for coordination at the latest within fourteen (14) days before the commencement of the Lease Period.

1.7. Tondiraba Sports Centre coordinates the security plan within seven (7) days as of the receipt thereof or draws the Lessee’s attention to deficiencies in the security plan. The Lessee shall eliminate the deficiencies in the security plan within two (2) working days.

1.8. The final security plan shall be confirmed in cooperation with a representative of Tondiraba Sports Centre, security company and contracting entity (the Lessee) seven (7) working days before the start of the Lease Period.


2.1. For the Main Arena event with less than 1000 visitors, the minimum security must be provided at least in the following positions:

– security centre operator
– ensuring passage mode for cargo loading door
– ensuring passage mode for restaurant door
– ensuring passage mode for main entrance
– ensuring extra passage mode and evacuation
– organising parking, if required.

2.2. For the Main Arena event with more than 1000 visitors, the minimum security must be provided at least in the following positions*:

– security centre operator
– ensuring passage mode for cargo loading door
– ensuring passage mode for restaurant door
– ensuring passage mode for main entrance
– ensuring extra passage mode and evacuation
– organising parking
– ensuring passage for emergency pathway
– *ushers based on the number of open sectors providing one usher for a sector

2.3. The exact number of security staff shall be fixed in the security plan according to the scope of the event.



The Lessee shall order the security service for the duration of the Event in the form of manned guard.

1.1 The ordered security service shall conform to the requirements set out on the website of Tondiraba Sports Centre.

1.2 The Lessee shall inform Tondiraba Sports Centre of the provider of security services within fourteen (14) days before the commencement of the Lease Period.

1.3 The Lessee shall prepare a security plan and forward it to Tondiraba Sports Centre for coordination at the latest within fourteen (14) days before the commencement of the Lease Period. Tondiraba Sports Centre coordinates the security plan within seven (7) days as of the receipt thereof or draws the Lessee’s attention to deficiencies in the security plan. The Lessee shall eliminate the deficiencies in the security plan within two (2) working days.

1.4 The security plan shall meet the following requirements:

1.4.1 conform to the minimum requirements of a security plan specified on the website of Tondiraba Sports Centre;
1.4.2 include the presence of first aid providers pursuant to the effective legislation depending on the planned number of participants in the Event;
1.4.3 include the description of the pyrotechnics solutions, smoke, vapour, or any other similar show elements, which may activate the automatic fire detection and fire alarm system if such elements are used;
1.4.4 contain a sufficient amount of manned guard in the case of adjusting the automatic fire detection and fire alarm system for the Event;
1.4.5 include the description of parking and traffic management

1.5 1.5 The final security plan shall be confirmed in cooperation with a representative of Tondiraba Sports Centre, security company and the Contracting Entity (the Lessee) seven (7) working days before the start of the Lease Period.
1.6 1.5 If the security plan is not presented, Tondiraba Sports centre has the right to demand a contractual penalty of 30% of the amount of Rent and cost of Complementary Services and cancel the Contract, informing the Lessee three (3) days in advance thereof.


Tondiraba Icehall is situated in Lasnamäe:
Varraku 14, 13917 Tallinn
Harju County, Estonia

+372 602 3200

Transport and parkingContact