Cleaning requirements for organiser of the event

Grandstands of the main arena

Collect loose garbage
Wipe up the floors (wash, if necessary)
Wash the glass railings of the grandstand on the 1st floor
Wash the glass surfaces of VIP rooms
Maintenance of VIP rooms
Wash the glass railings of the grandstand on the 2nd floor
Empty the rubbish bins

Walk-through areas on the perimeter

Clean the porches of A and B main entrances
Cleaning the seat benches
Clean the rubber coating of the training area between A and B entrances
Empty the rubbish bins
Clean the lift

Toilet rooms

Clean the mirrors
Clean the toilet seats
Clean the faucets
Clean the soap dispensers
Clean the doors and walls of the cabs
Empty the rubbish bins

Used changing rooms and ancillary rooms

Clean the floor
Clean the toilet
Clean the shower rooms and sauna (after the use)
Empty rubbish bins


Tondiraba Icehall is situated in Lasnamäe:
Varraku 14, 13917 Tallinn
Harju County, Estonia

+372 602 3200

Transport and parkingContact