Instructions for KHL games

The spectators are not allowed to

  1. stay in the sports facilities under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or toxic substances;
  2. bring along or use:
    – alcoholic beverages,
    – any weapons and ammunition,
    – sharps,
    – smoke bombs,
    – fireworks,
    – signalling flares,
    – party poppers,
    – pyrotechnics,
    – other items, products and substances, including the improvised ones, the use of which may result in smoke, ignition and other negative effects,
    – devices and products, including the improvised ones, which are not considered pyrotechnics, but used for releasing and spraying various materials and substances (pneumatic poppers and the like),
    – flammable, explosive, toxic or corrosive substances,
    – highly flammable and flammable materials and items,
    – colouring matters,
    – narcotic substances,
    – radioactive materials,
    – gas cylinders containing nerve or tear gas,
    – laser equipment,
    – other items which can be used as weapons,
    – cans, glass and plastic dishes, bottles and containers,
    – big items (items for which the length, width and height exceed 40 × 40 × 20 cm),
    – amplification devices,
    – horns and whistles of any material and size,
    – rattles of any material,
    – radio stations,
    – propaganda materials of extremist nature or those including Nazi paraphernalia and symbols, paraphernalia or symbols of extremist organisations;
  3. smoke, use electronic cigarettes and other smoking devices imitating smoke in places forbidden by the management of the sports facility;
  4. start a fire;
  5. throw items on the grandstands, ice arena and the area surrounding it, but also at spectators, hockey players, coaches, referees, representatives of clubs and the sports facility, security staff and authorities appointed by organiser. Except for cases of hats thrown on the ice arena by fans where a player of any team scores three or more goals in a single championship game (hat trick). In such circumstances, throwing hats on ice arena is part of the world’s hockey tradition and does not present a risk to participants of a game.
  6. wear or show, but also use fascist and racist signs, paraphernalia and other symbols, also use signs, paraphernalia and symbols which are likely to be confused with them; publicly show paraphernalia and symbols of extremist organisations;
  7. use the words, expressions and gestures of fascist and racist nature;
  8. use inappropriate or offensive words, expressions and gestures;
  9. use paraphernalia, posters, shouting and gestures that cause social, racist, religious, nationalist and transnational hatred, also social, racist, religious, nationalist and national superiority.
  10. Offend other persons by using, among other things, tools and paraphernalia and carry out other activities that are an affront to honour, dignity and business reputation of a person or groups of persons or a legal person;
  11. Use parts of clothing and other objects and ways to cover the face;
  12. Violate the social sense of morality and rules of conduct by exposing one’s parts of body while staying in the sports facility;
  13. Behave in a challenging way by threatening the spectators and participants of a match, cause life-threatening situations and situations that jeopardise the security of oneself or others or endanger anybody in any way;
  14. Step behind the enclosures by the ice arena or on the ice arena, enter the changing rooms of teams and referees, press rooms and other offices;
  15. Stay in aisles and on stairs during the match, prevent the spectators and participants from moving, climb on chairs, jump, imitate illegal activities; while in grandstands, climb on enclosures and parapets, lighting equipment, masts, load-bearing structures, negatively affect the property of the sports facility and spectators;
  16. Enter the sports facility with animals;
  17. Carry out any political activity;
  18. Organise public events not coordinated with the organiser;
  19. Sell and distribute in any way advertising products and souvenirs, political, religious and racist products (incl. posters, leaflets and brochures);
  20. Carry out speculative self-service sale with the match entrance tickets.


Tondiraba Icehall is situated in Lasnamäe:
Varraku 14, 13917 Tallinn
Harju County, Estonia

+372 602 3200

Transport and parkingContact